Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Being that as it may !!!!!!

Being that as it may
Being that as it may…. The phrase takes me back in time… the time when I was at the University pursuing my post graduation in economics…’s a phrase, one of my favourite professor used most often… stress a point…to scuttle a get out of tight corners…. He used it most effectively. Since then the phrase has stuck on me. And as I reflect, it truly sums up the life around us… we all tend to use the phrase in our day to day lives without even knowing that we’re using the power of the phrase so intensely.
Being that as it may… you may be wondering as to what am I talking about…( I have already used it to my advantage now isn’t it?) Being that as it may allows you to get on with life without getting bogged down by any adversity, ennui, tribulations, apprehensions, and any predicament that you may be in at any given point in time. Imagine, a situation like, for instance , a relationship that you have had for a long time and cherished suddenly leaves you high and dry bringing along with it loneliness, depression, anger, helplessness, a vacuum and a sense of futility… Most often this feeling lasts for a considerable period of time, but then as life unfolds and you get caught up with its quagmire, you tend to say, being that as it may, I still need to get on with life and the phase vanishes as it came.
Being that as it may…..We live in a society so full of contradictions, pretentions, masks, hypocrisy, permissiveness. There are times you tend to get exhausted by all this, especially when it affects the way you want to lead life; when they come in the way of excercising your rights; when you demand certain things to go the way you want them; when you want to assert yourself ; when people jump queues ; when someone annoys you while driving; when you are ignored for a promotion you are entitled to; when there are expectations on you to perform and deliver; when you need to keep up with peer pressure; when you cannot be yourself; but then most often you tend to tag the line, as there is no way you could control and unfold events around you to your liking and satisfaction, and say being that as it may and go on.
Being that as it may, imagine a situation, when someone close to you passes away. It leaves a vacuum in your life, you feel that the entire world has crashed on you; there’s a feeling of nothingness; you start to recall all the great moments you have shared with that person and even realize what a wonderful person that he was, but then all this lasts till the person is laid to rest or even for a certain period of time . The memory of the person remains lingers on for a while. But then being that as it may, you get on with life isn’t?

1 comment:

  1. "Being that as it may".This phrase has its own worth and potential.In everyone's life this phrase helps to recal the past and refresh ones mind to move forward.I do appreciate the blogger and his wonderful thoughts,that too with 2good life-time examples..
